Knowledge Summit 2011 - MAY 11th-13th - Alexandria, VA


Our Keynote speaker, Joe Hallinan, is Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former reporter for The Wall Street Journal. In his most recent book, Why We Make Mistakes, Hallinan delves into a quest to understand our imperfections, and examines psychology, neuroscience, economics and more. Joe’s presentation will explore the captivating science of human error – how we think, see, remember and forget. His highly interactive style should prove to be engaging and help us understand how to not only prevent errors, but anticipate and “outsmart” them.

Our capstone presentation is from “one of our own,” as we have invited Bror Saxberg, Kaplan Inc.’s Chief Learning Officer, to join us again this year to assist us in understanding the best practices around learning mastery and the science of learning. Bror gave a highly inspirational presentation last year and his insights on effective learning practices are of great benefit in our work.

Joe Hallinan

Bror Saxberg

Thomas Goetz

We are fortunate to have one of nation’s top technology editors, Thomas Goetz, executive editor of WIRED Magazine, as our day-two featured speaker. Thomas’s current book, The Decision Tree, discusses how a decision tree is a simple, yet enormously effective idea. For example, the pharmaceutical industry uses them to plan safe clinical trials. Expect an open and lively discussion on how to apply “the decision tree” to achieving your personal and professional goals and will get at the heart of making better decisions in our lives.